The photos below are from the Mathias Velho neighborhood, in Canoas/RS. About 100,000 people live in this neighborhood, which had more than 95% of its area affected by the flood. The devastation left many families homeless and in urgent need of essential items to rebuild their lives and homes.

Here at StoneX, we are committed to making a difference. We will acquire essential items that will help around 11 families to start over. Among the items to be donated are wardrobes, tables and chairs, kitchen cabinets, and other fundamental furniture so these families can have a dignified home again.

This is a moment when solidarity makes all the difference. We invite everyone to join us in this donation campaign. Any contribution, whether financial or items, will be of great importance to the affected families.

When the items are delivered, we will share the photos here, showing the direct impact of your generosity. Each donation represents hope and a step towards rebuilding the lives of these families.

We count on everyone’s support to transform this moment of crisis into an opportunity for unity and solidarity. Let’s show the strength of our community and help rebuild lives.